Aurelio Colucci (spiritual name AURO) first began his journey of Yoga practice and holistic in India, and thanks to his teacher Roshni Sekha he continued his studies graduating from the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, founded in 1966 by Swami Vishnudevananda in Canada.
Having always carried great interest for anything related to the esoteric world, holistic and the personal consciousness, Aurelio began his studies on sacred and philosophical books. The first initiation arrived during his early teens in Fano, by a few friends who were part of the Osho movement. It was during that time that he learned various meditation techniques from Kundalini, Dynamica and Trance Dance. following years of practice, his journey pivoted towards studying Vipassana meditation. The evolution occurred through the transcendental meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (whom became famous for having hosted The Beatles in his Ashram in India). He comes in contact with the Italian and international FreeMason. Aurelio then met Don Paolo Spoladore from Padova (also known as Donpa) at a concert of light sacred music. Following numerous experiences and encounters all over the world, he meets Gianfranco in Milan – an ordinary man. This encounter would radically change all he accumulated during his spiritual and interior research. Through Gianfranco, Aurelio explores the movement spearheaded by Mata Amritanandamayi, more commonly known as Amma, and whom is considered an avatar by the hindus in India.
Having always carried great interest for anything related to the esoteric world, holistic and the personal consciousness, Aurelio began his studies on sacred and philosophical books. The first initiation arrived during his early teens in Fano, by a few friends who were part of the Osho movement. It was during that time that he learned various meditation techniques from Kundalini, Dynamica and Trance Dance. following years of practice, his journey pivoted towards studying Vipassana meditation. The evolution occurred through the transcendental meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (whom became famous for having hosted The Beatles in his Ashram in India). He comes in contact with the Italian and international FreeMason. Aurelio then met Don Paolo Spoladore from Padova (also known as Donpa) at a concert of light sacred music. Following numerous experiences and encounters all over the world, he meets Gianfranco in Milan – an ordinary man. This encounter would radically change all he accumulated during his spiritual and interior research. Through Gianfranco, Aurelio explores the movement spearheaded by Mata Amritanandamayi, more commonly known as Amma, and whom is considered an avatar by the hindus in India.
In Bergamo he spends time with Judi Cozzi, a woman of endless depth and purity. Always obeying to a holistic vision of life, in 2013 he graduates from the European school of Massage with Dr. Giovanni Leanti La Rosa, specializing in antistress massage (from table and office), yoga massage and thermal massage. Yoga, meditation and massage have since been part of his day to day life – not just as a lifestyle, but as a source of great strength and joy which he continues to pass on and share in harmony with the world.
After many years my father finally asks me what it means to meditate but especially if meditating character can change. Of course my answer was very complex for him but thanks to this article, published in Focus of August 2014, it was possible to give him a little more precise indication… In any case, the character can take a calmer influence but the character does not change with meditation. I think it might be an interesting read for everyone.

Aurelio Colucci (nome in sanscrito AURO), ha iniziato il percorso della pratica Yoga e olistica prima in India, poi grazie all’insegnante Roshni Sekha ha proseguito gli studi, per poi diplomarsi presso l’International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, fondata da Swami Vishnudevananda in Canada nel 1966. Ma la prima iniziazione è arrivata nel periodo adolescenziale a circa 14 anni di età, da alcuni amici del movimento di Osho. E’ in quel frangente che ha imparato le varie tecniche meditative della Kundalini e Dynamica.
Dopo anni di pratica il percorso si è indirizzato verso uno studio della meditazione Vipassana. L’evoluzione è avvenuta a New York nel 1999, verso la meditazione trascendentale del maestro Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (diventato famoso per aver avuto nel suo Ashram in India per molto tempo il gruppo musicale Beatles).
Casualmente ad un concerto di musica leggera sacra, conosce Don Paolo Spoladore di Padova, chiamato anche Donpa.
Tramite Gianfranco, un amico “ordinario”, viene a contatto anche con il movimento di Mata Amritanandamayi, conosciuta nel mondo come Amma, è considerata un Avatar per gli hinduisti in India. Seguendo sempre una visione olistica della vita, nel 2013, si forma nella Scuola Europea di Massaggio e trattamenti olistici con il Dott. Giovanni Leanti La Rosa, specializzandosi in trattamenti Antistress, Yoga Massage da Ufficio e Termale per la gravidanza.
Oggi lo Yoga, la meditazione e il Massaggio è la sua vita quotidiana, non solo come stile ma come forza di gioia immensa ed immutabile da trasmettere e condividere in armonia con il resto del mondo.
Dopo molti anni finalmente mio padre mi chiede cosa significa meditare ma soprattutto se meditando il carattere può cambiare. Naturalmente la mia risposta è stata molto complessa per lui ma grazie a questo articolo, pubblicato su Focus di Agosto 2014, è stato possibile dargli un’indicazione un po’ più precisa… in ogni caso il carattere può prendere influsso più pacato ma l’indole non cambia con la meditazione. Credo possa essere una lettura interessante per tutti.